Tag Archives: Art

Constructive Creative Communication: Herzog

So far in Herzog we’ve been learning about photos and our camera. We’ve been leaning how to composing composition, adjusting angles, manufacturing mood, creating collages, moulding movement. So, how does this help us? Well, this helped us communicate more creatively by communicating through photos. And if you’re wondering how you can communicate though photos, I’ll tell you. Through photos you can communicate a certain message through the mood of the photos, the angles used, the subject of the photo, and the focus of the photo.

So now you know how to communicate creatively through a photo, now you need to know how to make photos with all of those things.

Here is my example of composing composition. Here you were supposed to take a photo of an everyday object and make it come to like by adding som simple drawings on it.
This is my example of adjusting angles. For this we had to get a photo of ourselves from when we were younger and recreate it. In this my original photo was a photo of me on the ferry with my head resting on a railing. I tried to recreate that to the best I could. To recreate the photo well you had to use the same angles and lighting. And also try to be doing the sam thing in the photo with the same background.
This is my example of manufacturing mood. In this the mood I got was crazed. This photo is a photo of my dog Lulu being crazy rolling in some self she found on the ground. In this photo you were supposed to try to take a photo that you thought represented to mood that you got well.
This is my example of creating collages. For this you had to make a blog page about you you can check mine out here. For this you were supposed to use a portrait of your head and instant alpha it. Next you were supposed to put some of you favourite things in keynote and draw arrows pointing to them. You were also supposed to take photos of random letters or things that looked like letters of your name. Next you put that into keynote and drew some patterns of something on the side.
Here is my moulding movement GIF. For this we had to make a GIF in keynote about something happening or us reacting to something. For mine I used a photo of my dog saying hello to me.

Constructing Creative Communication: Carr

So far in Carr we’ve been learning about art and our Apple Pencil. We’ve been learning how to use pressure, sketch note, perspective, and using colour. I drew my name in big bubble letters, a sketch note of my day, drawing of a shaded mug, using perspective in a landscape photo, and a brand name for a brand that we made up. So, how does this help us? Well, this helped us answer the driving question for this project. Why is it important to use technology to further improve our ability to communicate and to think creatively? I think it’s very important because in the world we live in now it is full of technology, and we learned more about how to be more creative by drawing and writing. And we learned how to communicate when we zoom called a professional designer and when we were trying to communicate a message when we were making our logo for the company we created. So, technology is a really important part in our lives and I don’t think we could survive without it.

I also learned how to communicate through drawing and sketch-noting. You can communicate by using arrows, lines, dividers, writing, drawings and speech bubbles in your sketch-notes. You can also communicate your through art by drawing a picture when explaining something or to help you remember something.

Here is my shading reflection. I took a photo of a mug and drew shapes over it, then drew those shapes into sketches. Once I drew the shapes into sketches I started looking at the lighting and the shading around the mug. Then I started to draw the shading. I only used the pencil tool in this and didn’t use the shading tool when I was shading.
This is my landscape drawing. In this drawing I put a photo in the background and drew shapes around all the main features of the landscape: road, road lines and the horizon line. Next, I started to use colour. First I filled in the road with grey and drew white lines on either side. Then, I drew the yellow lines in the middle slowly getting smaller to show how the road is farther and in the horizon. Then I filled in beside the road with light green then went over filled part with darker green lines criss-crossing to make grass. Next, I filled in the sky, used the spray paint tool for clouds then drew a sun.
Here is my sketch note. I added symbols, used different text sizes, used colour, and a clock with the times inside it to represent the times of the day that a certain event happened.
This is my logo. In this I used sketches and keynote. First to think of an idea I wanted to make a snowboard company because I like snowboarding and because we’re coming into winter. Next I tried to think of a creative name. After that I wanted the name in the circle. So I drew and centred the circle. Then, I drew a blue background and drew some clouds with the spray paint tool. Next, I put it into keynote and added some snowflakes and the words “snowboard company” and when it was established.