Category Archives: Humanities

English, Social Studies

Spring Exhibition

So, even though I wasn’t at the Spring Exhibition I will be doing a blog post about it.

So for the Spring Exhibition, everyone was assigned to a different part of the project plan, Intro, PBL pathway, Technology for Learning, and Conclusion. I was assigned to the Intro group. What is a PLP learner? Well, you could learn about that at the Spring Exhibition. At the Spring Exhibition, you would walk through the different stages of a project, and do activities we do in class such as develop and critique, present and reflect, and build knowledge. Both grade 7s and parents were invited to the Spring Exhibition. And throughout the Exhibition, PLP students of all grades would be walking you through activities, showing you their work, and talking about and showing you the different project stages.

My part of the intro group was to show a project of mine walk and walk through it. The project I chose to do was Ultimate Design Challenge.

Here’s some of the work that I did to help get ready for the Spring Exhibition, make and put up a poster, write my presentation (which I ended up not needing), put up papers over the trophy case, and printed my work.

Overall for this exhibition, I think that I was pretty helpful in setting up and getting ready even though I wasn’t there.

New Beginnings: Cour De Bois

If you want to see how I made that then continue reading. First I need to learn about New France and what it meant for all people involved. I learnt about that through a trade simulation and reflection, research about New France and the types of people who helped run it, once I chose the group of people I want to research (Cour de Bois), I researched them. Next, I created a visual using a photo I took on a photo walk, researched the good and bad of the Cour de Bois, used different symbols on my original photo to show the good sides at the beginning of the explosion of popularity in beavers, and on the bad side I showed that bad sides at the end of the explosion of popularity in beavers. I put both images into Flourish to get the slider.

A little bit about the Cour de Bois. The Cour de Bois are Frenchmen who would illegally run, trade, and hunt beavers. They would trade them with the Indigenous people, they would trade beaver pelts, European items, and other First Nations items. Even though the Cour de Bois did all their trading illegally they helped strengthen relationships with the french and the Indigenous because both sides saw the benefits of it.

On the good, brighter side of my image I will tell you what every symbol represents:
The sign is saying that “Beaver hats are now in!” Meaning that they are popular and there is lots of supply. The man wearing the hat shows that it looks cool and stylish. The stack of money is showing that the money is up and the Cour de Bois is very rich and can afford to spend money to trade for nicer things. The beaver pelts hanging up are showing that there are lots of stock so everybody can have their beaver hat or pelt.

On the bad, darker side of my image:
The man is not wearing a hat representing that times are so tough that he had to sell the hat off his head to stay afloat. The sign is telling the reader about how the beavers were over-hunted and there was now a huge demand for beaver pelts and hats with no supply. The money pile in the bottom corner is much more depleted representing that the Cour de Bois had to spend all their money trying to get the last few beavers and to stay afloat. There are very many fewer beaver pelts hanging up because they were over-hunted and all sold so there is hardly any stock left.

In this project, I think I did pretty well. I think I was overall accomplished. I think this because I handed all my work in on time, participated in all class activities, and completed all my work carefully and thoughtfully,

Here is more evidence of my learning:

Argh Matey

What were the causes and consequences of global exploration? To answer that I need to learn about European exploration, how they travel, and who led them. We need to learn all about this to make a pirate/European exploration story. To learn that we did some worksheets, researched, took notes, and made a web of cause and consequence for the reasons that the European would want to explore and the changes because of it. We all had to make a story based on a pirate who would travel to the new world, the story I made was based on the pirate Calico Jack.

Here is some proof of my learning:

Here is my story:

The Renaissance: a Change Engine

What significant development emerged from the past and how does they impact us today?

Well, to answer that question we decided to learn about the renaissance. We learned about different inventors, inventions, artworks, and societal changes. We had to research 1 thing in each of these topics. The inventor I researched was Galileo Galileo, the invention I researched was clocks and hourglasses, the art piece I researched was the school of Athens, and the societal change I researched was city states and trade. We had to research all these things to help us build our final product which was a triptych and a paragraph explaining why and what we thought the most important out of all of those topics in the renaissance was. I think it was the invention of clocks and hourglasses and here is the paragraph I wrote:

I think that the telling of time, clocks and hourglasses were the most important invention during the Renaissance. Some reasons to why I think that are that time is very commonly known, almost everybody knows the telling of time, whether it’s 24 hour time or 12, it is very commonly known. You can also find time everywhere, it is very accessible. Whether you can find it on your phone, watch, iPad, or a clock on the wall it’s everywhere.

Another reason why I think clocks and hourglasses is the most important is because they can be used for many more things then just timing the sermon, timing cooking times in rich households and timing watches on a ship which is mainly what they were used for when they were invented. Now we use clocks for telling time, setting timers to know when to get to certain events on time, cooking, as an alarm to get our day started, we also use the clock in relation to the calendar for setting events and knowing what time of the day for certain events and when we need to get stuff done we could put it in a calendar such as things.

And my last reason for why I think that clocks and hourglasses are the most important invention during the renaissance is how clocks have become more accessible since the renaissance. During the renaissance clocks were expensive and a luxury and now clocks aren’t expensive and are widely spread and the telling of time with numbers is free. It went from being an expensive luxury to a free way to measure our day. And that’s why I think that the telling of time, clocks and hourglasses are the most important invention during the Renaissance.

And here is my triptych:

If you were wondering what a triptych is it is a a picture or relief carving on three panels, typically hinged together side by side and used as an altarpiece.

Overall in this project I think that I was accomplished because I handed all my work in on time, put complete and finished work into all my work, and used my class time wisely to get all my work done. A few specific things that I think I did well on were my triptych because of how it’s finished with all the proper elements needed in it are in it, and my name charts being through and informing.

Loon Lake: a Learning Advance

In case you’re wondering, no this isn’t a project we did, this was a learning advance. And there is no driving question for this blog post. But it is called a learning advance for a reason, so here’s what I learned and some things that we did at Loon lake. Some things that we did at Loon lake was battle archery, laser tag, D.I., advisory groups and evening fun such as playing basketball or watching the Olympics are some of the things we did while at Loon lake.

And here’s the book we made for book creator about the learning advance:

Poetry: do I enjoy it?

How might I construct text that shows who I am right now?

Poetry, that’s how.

To show myself through poetry I first had to learn about poetry. And how do I do that? Well, I identified text, understood the text, learned about the text, and applied that learning to my own work. Some things I learned about are different types of poems, rhyming schemes, stanzas, rules of the certain poem, and how to write that poem.

Something that I thought I did really well on in this project is managing my time, coming to class with all my poems written, handing all my working in on time, and coming to class prepared with all the knowledge that needed to be known, known. I also thought I made really beautiful, original complementary texts which are the drawings in the background of my poems. I think I could’ve worked on diversifying my poems other than mainly mountain biking and snowboarding.

And here is my poetry eBook if you want to read it!

Some Poems

Some PoemsClick to read this book, made with Book Creator

The Outsiders, my First Winter Exhibition

How can the outsiders teach us about worldview? Well to answer that I need to learn a little bit about worldview and read the Outsiders. We read the Outsiders in and out of class and came to class with a discussion questions and talked about the chapters we read.To learn about worldview, I did a worldview MindNode with all our main aspects of worldview, a You VS Who character analysis on that characters main traits and worldview, a movie poster with our 2 chosen aspects of worldview, and our tableau with our 2 chosen aspects of worldview that we presented at our winter exhibition.

Now to know how to present those 2 aspects of worldview at the winter exhibition. First we had to know our scene, my scene was johnny dying in the hospital we had to do this scene in the 1960 and in 2021. Next we had to distribute roles I was a doctor, Keaton was johnny, Kai was a nurse, Gwenyth was Ponyboy, Dylan was Dally, and Jessie was Johnny spirit in the 1960s and a nurse in 2021. Then, we had to figure out the 2 aspects of worldview we were going to use and we picked values and time. Values representing how Ponyboy and dally come to see Johnny in his last moments and how Johnny picked his friends over family and time representing how Johnny died due to the medical equipment used and and in our 2021 version he was saved due to new technology and new medical equipment used.

In our first tableau in 1960 we had Nurse writing on a clipboard, Ponyboy crying, Johnny laying flat and dead, doctor (me) checking Johnny’s heart rate with a stethoscope, Dally kicking a chair because he was mad, and Johnny’s spirit standing on a chair.

In our second tableau in 2021 we had Nurse #1 writing on an iPad, Ponyboy happy and taking a photo with Johnny, Johnny sitting up in his hospital bed, Doctor checking on Johnny, Dally checking on Johnny, Nurse #2 talking to Nurse #1.

  • Here are some photos of my group and I setting up
  • Here is my individual outsiders movie poster

Here is my worldview mindnode and proof to my learning about worldview

Here is my You V.S. Who character analysis as another proof to my learning about worldview.

so, overall in this project I learned about worldview and what it is, how it affects us, and the worldview of characters in the book The Outsiders. I learned that worldview is the goggles through which we see the world and it affects everyone differently and we all see the world in a different way which will affect how we live and talk and how we live in general. 
I also learned that the characters in the outsiders have a different worldview than me, some aspects are similar or the same but some different.

Check out my team members blog posts here: Dylan, Keaton, Gwenyth, Jessie and Kai.

Advertising project

So far this year in humanities we were making an advertisement. The driving question for this project was “How does what I hear, see, and read, influence us?” To answer that question we had to make and advertisement to learn more about it. For this project in order to learn more about how to make a good advertisement we had to learn more about advertisements. To do that we made a photo library which was where we took photos of advertisements round our community and analyze them. We also made a historical media analysis which is where we looked at an old advertisement and analyzed what techniques were used and how they made that advertisement. Another thing we made to help us gain knowledge was a design principles workbook which is where we made lots of different advertisements about our business using lots of different advertising techniques. Now that we know all about making an advertisement we need to start making up a draft. See my slideshow on how I made mine

  • This is my first draft of my advertisement. In this draft I included one of their daily specials.
Now that I’m done my final advertisement I need to talk to my group about making a group advertisement and how we’re going to send it to our business (Arms Reach Bistro). Once my group talked we thought Mackenzie’s advertisement was the best. We gave her a few pieces of critique, then, we sent the ad to Mr. Hepburn. The feedback we got from Mr. Hepburn was to flip the image put the text on the right and make the background behind the text lighter. After we did that we sent the advertisement to the business. Sadly Arms Reach Bistro hasn’t responded yet, but, we’ve finished the advertisement anyway. My favourite part in the project was taking the photos for the advertisement because I got to eat this really good pasta, hot chocolate, and beet salad, and, it was free! In this project I think I did really well at communicating. Communicating with the business and with my group. One thing I think I could’ve improved on in this project was letting other people also do the work and not trying to do it all because I have team members for a reason. But, overall I think I did really well and I really enjoyed this project. 

So, to answer that question, everything we hear, see, and read, influence us this is because if you hear read or see something you will have an opinion on it even if you say you don’t, in your head you probably do. It won’t always influence us for the better, sometimes it’ll be for the worse. So, I hope that answers your question, How does what I hear, see, and read, influence us?

Check out my team members blog’s at Seth, Susan, Kadin, Mackenzie.

As proof to my learning check out my historical media analysis below!

Historical Media Analysis

Owen Grimwood


Name of Media: 

Print media advertisement 

Who created this message? 

Coca Cola.

What techniques are used to attract my attention? 

A happy family at the fair drinking some Coca Cola saying how good and refreshing it is.

How might different people understand this message differently from me? 

They might think that Coca Cola is a seasonal drink that’s only in the summer.

What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message? 

That Coca Cola will keep you happy and refreshed.

Why was this message sent? Profit and/or power. 

Profit. To get people to buy Coca Cola to feel happy and refreshed.

In paragraph form, who is the target audience of this piece of media? What is the message of this media? 

Families or married couples. I think this because the ad says it will keep you refreshed and happy. It also shows a happy couple in the foreground and another happy couple in the background. It also states that it’ll keep you happy when you’re “out with the family” or taking a break from work.