Tag Archives: blender design

Scimatics: Ultimate Design Challenge

How can I optimize an object for maximum surface area or volume? Well to answer this I need to first learn about volume and surface area. I learned about this through workbooks and worksheets. We had to make a project to show how we optimized our item for maximum Surface area or volume. Seth and I (he was my partner and I will link his blog here) chose to do a blender and optimize it for maximum volume. We both had to make different haves to a blender and I made the top half with the lid, the chamber that holds the food, and the blades. The app we used to design all this is called Tinkercad.

In this project, I think I am extending. I think this because I used all of my class time efficiently even though I missed 3 classes. I made an accurate 3D model of a blender with many different, basic shapes. Also, the fact that my and Seth’s models are built to work together. I think that in the future I could’ve added a few more different shapes but I thought I still had a wide variety. All my math formulas, calculations, and ratios were correct. I didn’t get them first try, but I got them eventually. I also organized them neatly in a Keynote presentation. I think that next time Seth and I could’ve made our Keynote a little bit smoother and had both halves of them work better together.

Here is my Keynote presentation, the pages I wrote are pages 2 and pages 4-13. The other pages are Seth’s work.