patient’s case

The patient I chose was 48 years old person and had severe arthritis in their and due to this, it’s debilitates their work as a hand person. They have been medication for the pain however, has found the pain does not have the same effect as it once had. 

What is the patient’s ailment?

The patient’s ailment is called arthritis. It comes from the words arthr meaning joint and itis meaning inflammation. They’re around 100 different types of arthritis and can have a different effects on different people. This disease affects the area in or around the joints such as muscles, tendons and the tissues.  This disease can affect people of all ages however, more prominent in elderly people. 

However, one question I can’t for sure answer is what type of arthritis the person has. This is due to many arthritises having the similar symptoms and affecting the same types of body parts. However, I’ve narrowed it down to three types of arthritis due to them being the three most common arthritises 

The first is osteoarthritis, this arthritis affects more elderly, is related to the break down of bones and affects mostly people after 45. Next is rheumatoid arthritis is an disease in which the immune system deteriorate the body, this causes many joints to be effected at the same time. The last I think they could possible have is Bursitis and tendinitis, which is caused from irritation from overworking a certain joint. 

However I can most defiantly can’t say anything for sure due to me needing more detail than what is given to me for the case. All the information I know that this patients arthritis is that it is severe in the hand and their medication is not working anymore for the arthritis.

How does this ailment affect their physical health?

They’re many symptoms of arthritis that can affect many parts of that person life. These symptoms are fatigue, great pain and stiffness, swelling and redness. These symptoms can also have with it weight loss, fever or weakness. These symptoms will most certainly effect everyday living if went unchecked. 

How does it affect their mental health?

Arthritis can certainly affect your mental health due to the struggles faced by conditions especially this case of arthritis. A study done showed that 1 in 5 people in the US with arthritis had significant symptoms of depression and anxiety. Due to arthritis being chronic most people would most defiantly feel stress out about living with the everyday challenges of arthritis or not being able to do things they once were able to do because of the condition. Especially since this persons arthritis effects their income due to it effect their hands which they need to be a handyperson. 

Short Term Affects 

The short term effect I would say are as I have stated before the symptoms of arthritis. Feeling tired, having issues moving their had, swelling particularly in the had and pain in the hand. These symptoms will most likely persistent in the patients everyday life due to the medication not working anymore. 

Long Term Affects 

I cannot for sure the long-term effect. This is due to me not knowing what type of arthritis this person has. However, I can guess that if they only use medication to help with their arthritis, their hand will most defiantly get worse and eventually will get damaged to the point of no repair. This will most defiantly effect this persons income which intern will effect this persons happiness. 

How would leading healthier lifestyle to fight the symptoms of this ailment, before and after being diagnosed? 

There isn’t much the patient could of done to prevent arthritis. This is due to us not know the cause for most arthritis however we do know a few risk factor that could increase the chance of arthritis. It mostly comes down to genetics, if arthritis runs in the family or age. Additionally, more specific types of arthritis has their causes for example, gout can be caused by consuming a great deal of alcohol or red meat. However, their are certain activities you could do to relieve yourself of the symptoms. The first is exercise, the types of exercise found to help arthritis are range of motion in order to reduce stiffness, strengthening exercises to maintain or increase strength and endurance exercise build fitness. Surgery can also help reduce the pain and either remove the debris or the correct the bone or replace the joints with fake joints. Also, for their case it might be a good idea to look into seeing a occupational therapist. This therapist can teach the patient how to better lessen the pain of everyday activities with their hand and look into ways they can help themselves deal with the chronic pain. Additionally, seeing a rheumatologist or a orthopedist who profession is treating people with conditions that effects their joint and muscle could also lead to better health for this patient and the patient could get the doctor to look into painkillers that would work with their arthritis.

Put yourself in the patient’s shoes and explain how you would change your lifestyle to increase your chances of living longer?

I feel if I were in that patient shoes their would be some major changes to how I live my life. I would most defiantly talk to my family doctor to see what professional or actions I should take to combat this arthritis. Additionally, I feel as if getting diagnosed with arthritis will cause me to struggle with my mental health due to the chronic aspect of the disease and me having to change how I live my life in a short amount of time. This would lead to me probably going to see an occupational therapist for ways I can manage this chronic disease. Overall, I will try to change my lifestyle to have a better life even with a disease like arthritis.
