First off I’d like to say that my name is Aedan. I know… that was a pretty boring start to an about me page, but you all need to know who’s making this quality material for you. I live in Canada and yes… I love maple syrup. I’m currently a grade 8 attending Seycove Secondary school. I’m in a program called P.L.P and we do lots of group projects. Most of the posts on this blog will be about those school projects. My hobbies include lots of sports. I play hockey, baseball, and ski/snowboard. My favourite sport is hockey. I’ve been playing hockey ever since I was around 5 years old. Currently I’m a second year bantam A1. Another thing you should know about me is that I love travelling. I have been to United States, Thailand, Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico, Cuba and Death Valley. Travelling is very fun and an engaging way to learn new things. I also enjoy school and I have made a goal for the rest of this school year.

One way to learn lots about a person is to learn about their worldview. I have created a short video about my worldview, here it is.

Until next time…

Aedan Loughran