Holidays and Celebrations!

Hi y’all and welcome back to another blog post! I should probably think of a more creative intro like my friend Ally over here (go visit her blog by the way), buuuutt, I haven’t….yet. Anyways, this week, we are talking about Holidays…and celebrations which you may or may not already know. We had several tasks to choose from and I wasn’t too sure what to do at first, but then I decided to talk about what holidays my family and I celebrate and include some pictures of our favourite traditions… and there may be me making a Christmas craft in there too. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Now, my family isn’t too big on decorations and all that stuff for most holidays, the only one that we go basically all out on is Christmas. For others, we just don’t have enough for or we just forget in general, well, maybe Halloween a little bit, but that’s it.

For Christmas, we also have a few traditions that we have done the past few years or even every year. There’s only really a few though.

One of our main traditions from the past couple years, has been to go visit this place called “Van dussen Gardens”. It is beautiful over there, they have these beautiful light displays all over this park, it’s so big, that it actually takes about an hour to get through everything. Here is what one part looked like last year:

Another tradition that we do is our Christmas stockings, we all have these huge Christmas stockings and stock each other’s every year, a ton.

On Christmas Day, every year for as long as I can remember, we always went to my Aunt and Uncle’s place for dinner. Sometimes, my cousins and their parents joined them as well.

Then, the next day, on Boxing Day, we always have a huge dinner with the entire fam. My cousins are all in their 20’s or 30’s so, the closest cousin I have to my age is eight years old…but it’s great to see all of my little second cousins since they all live in New Westminster and Langley.

Now, for my Christmas craft, I really enjoyed how it turned out. I saw this craft on a website and decided to try it out. You fold a magazine in a certain way then fold them in to make a Christmas tree looking thing. It’s pretty cool!



  1. Mrs. Rombach

    Hi Alex –

    Thank you for replying to my comment–and for leaving the URL to your blog so I could hop, skip, and jump right over to your space. Thanks for sharing out so much holiday information. I’m sitting in a quiet class right now, so I can’t watch the craft video, but I’ll definitely check it out.

    I want to congratulate you on the way you started your blog. As an English teacher, I often watch as students are crippled by writer’s block. They simply stare at a blank page or screen. You tackled the problem head-on and wrote about that struggle. It got the writing process started. Would it be okay if I shared this post with my students? If so, please be so kind as to drop me a note on my blog.

    Mrs. Rombach from Virginia

  2. Grace

    Hi again Alex,
    It’s Grace from Australia again! The same as you, I love CHRISTMAS!!! It has to be one of my many highlights of the year. My family also goes all out on Christmas decorations. My family, (but mostly my parents) don’t really do Halloween. But I have gone Trick-or-Treating 2 years in a row. The way you explained what do and your family do for Christmas was very detailed but reading it was really enjoyable. Well done! I hope to stay in touch!

    Yours Truly
    Grace from Australia! 🇦🇺

    • Lexie

      Hi Grace from Australia!

      Thank you for your kind comment and relating My post to your own life in such a great way! I’ll make sure to comment on your blog this week!


  3. jayden

    It’s nice to see that other people around the world celebrate like we do in the United States. I like how you had a well explained blog with many traditions you do for Christmas. Come check out my blog sometime @

    • Lexie

      Hi Jayden,

      Yeah, it’s pretty cool to see how different yet similarly people celebrate their traditions and holidays around the world. Mainly, because some people might wonder how we fit our Christmas trees in our igloos ;). Also, since the United States and Canada are super close, it’s most likely for the holidays and traditions to be the same. I will definitely go check out your blog!


  4. Esmeraldaa

    I really like how descriptive and detailed your blog was! I also really liked the fact that you included pictures to show us a little bit of your traditions. It really does look like you guys go all out for christmas,looks like fun.

    • Lexie

      Hi Esmeraldaa,

      Thank you for your comment! Yes, for my family, Christmas is the only holiday where we go all out! I’m super excited since it’s coming up!


    • Lexie

      Hi Justin,
      Thank you for your comment! I’m pretty sure that I inserted a link to the website of Van dussen gardens in my post, so go check it out!


  5. Lexi

    Hi Fergie!
    I really enjoyed reading about your Christmas traditions! Before I moved from a big city in the United States, I lived near a house that went all out for any holiday and decorating. They put a lot of lights out and it was really interesting to look at. We also see our family on Christmas. How did your craft turn out?

    • Lexie

      Hi Vallejo,

      Thanks so much for your comment! You can see it at the end of my video, but it actually turned out really well! I recommend you try it!


  6. Norah Colvin

    Hi Lexie,
    Thanks for sharing your holiday traditions. Even though many of us may celebrate Christmas, the traditions we celebrate are often individual to our families. I like that you get together with so many of your family members at Christmas. I think that’s the best part – as long as everyone gets along together. 🙂
    The Christmas tree craft looks pretty cool. I think you’d need some patience as it looks like it might take a while to make. I’d love to see a photo of how yours turned out.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.
    Best wishes,
    Norah Colvin (SBC commenter)

    • Lexie

      Hi Norah!
      I agree, it is important to spend time with friends but family too! At the end of my video, you can see how it turned out, it is pretty cool! I actually only took about 10 minutes to do, you should try it!

  7. Olivia

    hello, i really enjoyed your holiday and celebrations post! I really like your pictures, especially your Christmas tree. The ornaments are really cool and remind me of some of mine at home! I hope you have a great holiday season, sincerely, Olivia

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