Game of Exponent Laws

This is the first blog post I am going to be writing on Math and Science. For the first Scimatics project of PLP 9 we were going to be making a game that uses exponents. So obviously the first thing we had to do was learn about exponents. We started with learning about the exponents themselves and then once we all understood that we moved on to exponent laws. We focused on 5 or 6 main exponent laws. We learned about the multiplication law, the division law. We also learned about my favourite, the power of a power law, the power of a product law, and the power of a quotient law. There will be a chart below showing what those are. Once we all had that understood we started making our board game. We were put into pairs, my partner was Julia, and we started brainstorming different games. We went through many different drafts of games and we finally settled on a monopoly type game called exponopoly. Here comes the twist. We had to include 4 of those 5 exponent laws listed earlier. So we started making that. It is based in a school so all the “properties” were school classrooms. I think overall it went pretty well. I would have liked to add one more exponent law to it as we could only fit three of them in. As for understanding the curricular competencies in the project overview, I think I managed to demonstrate mental math pretty well using exponents and I feel like my understanding of exponents and how to use and solve equations with exponents has improved drastically since the start of this project. It was a fun project and if I could do it again I would spend more time understanding exponents so it would be easier to finish the game later. That is all for now, I will see you all later!

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