Cat and MAUS

Welcome all to my final Humanities Project of the year this. In this project we learned about the Holocaust. The Driving Question was: How can multi-modal communication enhance our ability to humanize and understand complex issues? Now full disclosure this was supposed to be our Spring Exhibition project and it kind of was but it […]

tPOL 2024

Welcome to my tPOL    Parental Introduction   Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for […]

Behind the Iron Curtain

  Alright, we are back with another project done, another reflection in the making. So for this project, we were learning all about the Cold War and fear. This was kind of a continuation of the Manhattan Project 2, the project where we went to New Mexico, etc., etc. Another group of kids from our […]

Who Cares?

Alright, so you know how this goes; we did a project, and now we’re here with a blog, the usual stuff. So, a quick rundown of the project: basically, the project was to convince young people why they should vote. The driving question for the project was: Who Cares? And why bother? We also learned […]

A Great Debate

Hey everyone welcome back to another blogpost today we have a very, very, very fun project to talk about. The project in question was called “The Great Debaters” We as a class debated each other on topic we chose at the PLP Winter Exhibition 23! I debated my friend Ben on lowering the gambling age.  […]

I went to New Mexico and all I got was a Lousy Piece of Trinitite

*** FOR LEGAL REASONS THE TITLE IS A JOKE ALL PIECES OF TRINITITE WERE LEFT AT TRINTY SITE, NEW MEXICO.***       What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another Humanities blog post. Today, I’ll be reflecting on our learning in The Manhattan Project. The driving question for the project was: “How did the development […]

I Stabbed Someone With a Pen (not actually)

Context title the project is called: Mightier then the Sword ✍️ and there’s a pen, hence title.   Alrighty, here we are again, first blog post of the year. Another great year of reflections ahead. Yay! Now, where to start… How about the beginning? This was a Humanities Project and a short one at that, […]

*insert office theme song

Hello, we just recently completed a project which tied to Exhibition. The PGP project we just did was all about finances. First I will talk about the project, and then the exhibition.  The Project In the project, we were learned about money and managing money. This included several things but the main highlight was a […]

tPOLS 2023

              Hi Mom this is my Teacher (insert teacher name) (teacher name) this is my Mom, Vickie Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to […]