My Oh Meiosis

In our latest science unit, we have been learning about plant reproduction, both sexually and asexually. We cloned both dandelions, and another plant of our choice, and we had to try our best to keep them alive. My group (Adlih, Maggie, and I) had a trickier time with this than others. One of our dandelions grew, however, the plant of our choice, lavender, was vandalized, by some annoying teenagers I imagine. Anyways, this unit was quite a complex one in my opinion, the whole meiosis and mitosis thing was hard to wrap my head around but through completing our unit end research proposal video I know understand such things.

So yeah, as I just mentioned, our final project of the unit was to create a research proposal video. The purpose of this video was to ask for donations to help fund our theoretical reproduction of dandelions through sexual reproduction. Basically, we made a fake research proposal video in which we talk about our success and failures, the advantages/disadvantages of cloning and/or sexual reproduction, etc. This video includes just about everything we covered in this unit, and me and my group put a lot of time and effort in to it. If you would like to learn all about forms of Artificial Vegetative Propagation, cloning in general, meiosis, mitosis, and all that fun stuff them you should definitely watch this video in full.


As you may have noticed, in the video there is an animation of the process of meiosis. I created that video in Keynote as oppose to just taking one off the internet and it turned out to be a really good move because it helped me understand meiosis better, because I actually had to spend time learning about the process prior to making the actual animation. I chose to make an animation in Keynote because I had an idea of how I could do it using Magic Move, so it was super cool to see my idea come to reality.

Me and my group had a good time growing (well, trying to at least) our clones as well as creating this project. We worked really well together and were able to communicate and split up the work easily. All in all we are super proud of our project and have learned a lot over the course of the past few months.

danielw • May 24, 2018

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