Thinking Ahead…

For the past few weeks, we’ve been focusing on something a little different in Maker: Career Life Education – or CLE for short. As it’s name entails, this short unit is cantered around learning about future career and life opportunities. To do this however, we first need to learn more about ourselves, in order to…

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The People’s Podcast

Spanning two months, our latest Humanities unit has just been capped off. Titled, “The People’s Podcast”, and centred around the topic of minorities in Canada, our job was to create a group podcast highlighting a specific minority in Canada. Prior to actually completing the podcast though, we had to learn more about what a minority…

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Telus vs. Rogers

In scimatics, we just finished the second part of our linear equation project; Cell Phone Systems. After concluding Flow Like Water, it was time to expand our knowledge of linear equations by solving with equations. The driving question for this unit was How can we use systems of equations to determine the least expensive cell…

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Destination Appreciation

If you’re an avid reader of the bustling internet metropolis that is this blog of mine, you would be familiar with Destination Imagination and the various times I have done it. This year was set to be the last year we were ‘forced’ in to doing it, and now looking back, I have mixed feelings. …

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Glaciers & Graphs

In the weeks leading up to Spring Break, our time in Scimatics class was taken up by our project all about linear equations. Tasked with answering the driving question; how can we use linear equations to predict how a body of water will change over time, me and Logan partnered up and got to work….

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