Tragedy in the News

The news these days sometimes contains stories that I think may not be appropriate for students. Today there were two such news stories:

Tragedy in Connecticut – 20 Children among dead

Tragedy in China – China Stabbing Spree Hurts 22

These stories can add to some children’s anxiety, and we need to be mindful of how we talk to them (or if we let them watch news). Here are a couple of other links that parents may want to review:

How to talk to your children about school violence

Prayers for the Sandy Hook Community

Have a good weekend. Hug your children.

Take care.

Wonderful Day At Cleveland

Today was our annual Pancake Breakfast. Parents were here by 5:30 am to get ready for all the hungry students and families that would be arriving at around 7:15 am. Student helpers started to show up around 6:30 am. One was a bit early, so she worked on her homework (good job Nadia).

The grade 7 student helpers (along with a few younger students and parents) helped set up the large gym with tables, chairs and decorations the night before. The gym looked great (sorry, I forgot to take a picture), and this morning we were ready to go.

The griddles were fired up. The pancake batter mixed, and the pre-cooked sausages were heated up. Thanks for the coffee (I needed it).

Thanks go out to the many parent organizers who have made this a wonderful event to look forward to each year. In takes an army of mothers and fathers to put this event on. Thank you to everyone.

The small gym was where students could go to make crafts (thanks again grade 7’s), and they could also get their face painted in the front hallway.

It was a wonderful way to start the day. Christmas music can still be heard in the hallways (oh wait – that’s the primary classes practicing for next weeks Christmas concert).

See you next week.

Take care.