Virtues at Cleveland

The staff at Cleveland work hard to support the social and emotional learning needs of our students in a variety of ways. We have lessons on friendship, how to handle peer conflict, and how to behave in a socially responsible manner at school and in other places. Class meetings take place in many classes, and students are encouraged to be kind to one another and take care of each other.

We are also teaching some virtues. We have started off the year focusing on respect, and will move on to six other virtues throughout the year: patience, tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, assertiveness and determination.

These virtues were showcased during our Terry Fox assembly on Thursday of last week. Students from division F01 (Mme Simpson’s and Mr. Zellweger’s class) worked in groups creating video presentations about how Terry Fox was a role model for each of these virtues. These clips were shared with the school, and we were all impressed. Well done students.

Each morning this week, students will hear more about Terry Fox and his legacy. Our grade 7 announcers will share more about our virtues each day, and teachers will continue the lessons.

With the help and support of students, parents and staff, we will continue to work to create a positive school culture, where everyone feels safe and welcome.

Take care.

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