The Giving Tree

Elementary Schools often work hard to find ways to recognize students who are doing an good or excellent job of demonstrating positive behaviours at schools. We encourage staff to catch children doing something kind or respectful. It is part of a way to encourage positive behaviours by making sure students know that we see them doing well.

Cleveland staff created a “Giving Tree” concept a few years ago.We have done a whole school tree – it was painted in the front hallway from 2011 – 2013. In the summer of 2013, we renovated the front hallway, and we lost our tree.

Thanks to the Grade 7 Class of 2014, we now have a new tree for the 2014/2015 school year. The concepts is simple – catch children doing positive things, and give them a coloured leaf to add to the tree. Over course of the year, we hope to see the tree filled with foliage and the names of children who were caught.

The new tree is located in the front hallway, across from the entrance to the inner courtyard. I will try to add pictures to this blog throughout the year of the tree as leaves are given.

“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” ~ Maya Angelou


The above quote will be a part of our “Giving Tree” and will remind us that all of us in school can find something to give to one another. Each child has a role to play in helping to make Cleveland Elementary an amazing place to go to school, as do all the adults who are connected to the school.

I will be challenging myself to make a greater effort to give out the “Giving Tree” leaves to students in all grades. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to see the tree filled with at least one leaf per child? That’s what want.

I will be needing the help of our grade 7 students when school begins, as we need to cut out more leaves and have them ready for staff to give them out. Maybe our Playground Pals (senior students who help on the playground) should also be giving out leaves. If you are a grade 7 student who reads your principal’s blog, see me when school starts. I need your help.

Take care

Kindergarten Students At Play

This morning I spent time outside with our incoming Kindergarten students.This was the third play date, and the children looked like they were having fun.

The play dates are one of the many wonderful ways our parents work together to build our Cleveland community. Thanks to Mel and other the kindergarten parents, students have a chance to come in to school knowing a few more of their classmates.

I received a link to a very good video that new families might like to view. It is from AnxietyBC and the UBC Anxiety Projects Lab. The video, Easy Separation, is worth sharing. The AnxietyBC web site is worth a visit too.

We look forward to seeing students and their families next week. In the event the strike continues, we will wait patiently for the first day, whenever it may be.

Take care