Today At Cleveland

I am in the middle of a very busy day. At the moment it feels a bit like the calm before the afternoon storm.

We started off the day in a frantic manner to get ready for the Terry Fox Assembly. The technology was acting up and we were being “helped” by a number of energetic grade 7 students. Eventually we got everything set up and we were ready for the whole school to come down to the gym.

It was a wonderful assembly. The students were an awesome audience, and our guest speaker, Darrell Fox, shared some stories and had everyone’s undivided attention. I will share more about about Darrel’s talk in a later post.

Our grade 7 speakers were wonderful as well. Thanks

This morning the North Shore Harvest Project picked up all the food donations that our generous community brought to the front hall.  The volunteers from the Harvest Project were very thankful for all our donations. Well done Cleveland.

This afternoon we will be participating in our annual Terry Fox Run. The intermediate grades (grades 4 – 7) will be running 3.1 km, and the primary classes (grades 1-3) will be running 1.5 km. Our youngest students, those in Kindergarten, will be running around the lower field.

Pizza update #3 – I now have a meeting scheduled with the petitioners.

Take care

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