The medium is the message summative post

The medium is the message summative post

The Medium is the Message. I loved this project. It made sense, it was contextual, there was lots of examples and it was relevant. All the milestones taught me things I didn’t know before, I didn’t know much about comprehending text or anything about taking a good historical perspective on text or ads (which where […]

The medium is the message protect reflection

Project ✏️ We are doing a project called “the medium is the message”. The driving question for this project is “what does what we see hear and read influence us”. I like that question because it is very open ended and relevant, it invites you to think about it and makes you want to learn […]

My User Manual Reflection

We did a project called “My user manual” and it was basically a user manual of ourselves , as if we where robots or some product that came with a user manual. That project was really fun and it helped me learn who I am and how I can present who I am. Here is […]

Hello world!

Hello world!

Hi I’m Declan And welcome to my blog page! This is my school blog page, and it is for school. I am going to be posting all sorts of blogs and pages on my projects and progress and all of the things that i’ve learned.

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