Finally, the time has come. We have ended the revolution project. The revolution project included videos of the French Revolution, American Revolution, Russian Revolution, and a revolution of our choice. I missed the French Revolution but I was here for the rest of them. While being really pressured, I also had a lot of fun. Part of the project was using out core competencies. I’m going to talk about how I used the competencies and how I grew with them.

#1 Cause & Consequence:

Cause and consequence is a BIG topic when talking about revolutions. That’s because all of the revolutions were influenced by something that someone did or didn’t do. The Russian revolution started because the Tsar didn’t treat the working class properly. I can also see that because of the industrial revolution, we have tractors, cars, phones, amazing medicine, and clean water solutions. None of that would have happened if the industrial revolution didn’t start a chain reaction. Therefor I can clearly assess situations and the turnout of revolutions and the peoples choice.

#2: Evidence:

Finding evidence is something that I do really often. I do tend to use more than one site, and something that I need to work on is finding reliability. I normally just use sites with trusted names. BBC, NBC, and other big new sites. Although I don’t know if there are smaller sites that cary the same information with the same reliability. For example, while I was looking for a revolution to choose, I would pick one and do some research on it to see if it was interesting. What I didn’t do, was see if the websites were reliable. All I would do is just see if they had the same information on it.

#3: Create and Extend Shared Understanding:

I think that I am really good at this competency. I was terrible to start, but now I think that this is actually my strongest competency. Part of the reason I’m good at this competency is because I worry a lot about what my group is doing and how far along they are in a project. So whenever someone asks a question or I see they might be falling along, I jump to try and help them. On the Russian revolution project my group made a song. I sing, play, and write music so I have some knowledge in this field. Then, when we were making the song, I helped my group with timing, music, and input on how everything went together.

#4: Text Comprehension and Appreciation Strategies:

Text comprehension is something that I don’t have a problem with. If I don’t get it the first time, I will go and read another article or website on the topic. Visual explanation is also something that I don’t find hard to understand. Actually I prefer to have visuals then written explanations. The one I have the most problems with is oral explanations. This isn’t always my fault. This can sometimes be because of the teacher. Different people have different choices in wording. Other than that, my comprehension skills are very good. I have had no problems with the Revolution project.