Bring Your Kid To Work Day Blog Post

So recently we had a day where most of the students parents took their child to work, so my dad took me to his work. Luckily my dad works at home, so it would be quite easy.

At the beginning of the day my Dad had to take a call, so I waited for him to finish it. After the call we went to Bean Around The World to get coffee since that’s a part of his routine. While we were there, my dad talked more about what his work was about, which is dealing with his clients, and building different IT machines.

It’s rather confusing, but basically my dad runs a business building different IT applications, and helping different companies. So after that we went back to the house so he could do some more work.


There my dad showed me the rundown on different Applications and systems he uses for his job. He talked about how the applications are very helpful for his work, and help organize his job a little more. He also talked a little more about what his routine is, and different things he does for his work.

img_4325The overall experience was very interesting, and I learnt a lot about his work. I hope you enjoyed this blog post, see ya 🙂

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