Math blog post

Well this post is my first math and science, for this project We had to create a game using exponents the laws. So first we had to learn about do problems and solve them a lot of kahoot games. Then we had to come up with a game me and my parter Gabe based our game off uno a card game where you have to get rid of your cards but know I will explain our game to you. We used q-cards as our cards so we have used the face cards so Jack, King, Ace, Queen, as the letters so then we have our exponents we used the power law, division, multiplication and the zero law. These are the cards we used but before we go any father this was about our third draft we were confused and our first games were not that good so it took a lot a thinking because our first idea was sorta like black jack and it took a way to much math and it was not that fun but then we thought of what if sorta made a game off uno then ideas started popping into my head I thought about the aspect of picking up cards and making problems from picking cards up. So know how to play our game

Each player gets 5 cards. One card is put on the table with the rest of the deck beside it. THe deck is full of exponent laws, king card up to 3, queen, jack, and ace all going up to three. You must pick a card from the deck and match it with either the cards in your hand or on the table. Once completed the equation you must count your score which is the final exponent and then whoever has the highest score once all the cards in the deck run out wins. Score is kept with Poker chips. If you can’t do a turn, you must pick up a card and skip your turn. Each time the card in the middle gets used, the it gets automatically replaced. During your turn, if you plan on making an equation, you MUST use the card in the middle. If you have a maximum count of 10 cards in your hand and cannot “complete” a turn, then every time you draw a card you must discard another one therefore you will never go above 10 cards in your hand. So know we got another group to play our game and give us feedback.

The groups that played our game loved it. They said that it was a great simple game. But, they mentioned that the cards were not evenly mixed, the deck was also not big enough for  more than 3 players. They recommended shuffling the game better. So then we made the changes and then we made a video so you can understand the game better.  Here is the link to the video. Thanks for listening


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