Alberta| PGP ~ reflection

Hello everyone and welcome back to blog. Today’s post is about  our trip to alberta. Unlike my other posts about field schools I won’t be writing about a project or what we did during our trip. But I will be reflecting on how I acted and what I did right,and what I didn’t do to well on. 
I’m the kind of person that likes to pay attention and steer clear of trouble on most occasions. 
 Because of that I think I did a fairly good job at staying on task throughout our trip. Besides some moments that weren’t my best. This field school was really fun and because we’re older now I think we got more independence as well as a little more work. So it was really up to us to stay out of trouble and get our work done. I’m not going to lie , I didn’t always do what my teachers would’ve wanted, specifically when we had lots of time and were aloud to be with whichever people we wanted to hang out with. For instance the Colombia ice field.

While I was there and we were walking towards the skywalk I think I lacked focus quite a bit. We were listening to the voice tour while walking by exhibits,  I was listening to the tour but I wasn’t exactly focused. I was not paying attention and often skipping the odd area and exhibit to get closer to the skywalk. I think it would’ve been much better if I just slowed down and learnt all the information the exhibits had to offer.  I could’ve learned more about the area and maybe found some extra material for my main project. It was during moments like the Columbia ice field that I usually paid less attention or didn’t do my best work. It was mostly when we visited an area where we were aloud to explore alone and had information that didn’t  directly benefit my project. Which is kind of a shame. Even though I learned so much during this trip,  I think I could’ve learned more if I focused even more and followed instructions a little more.
Some other instances that affected my overall behaviour was our free time at the hotel.

Every night we were given a certain time to be in bed or start calming down by.  but some nights didn’t always go the way they were supposed to. With a lot of my friends around and a lot of drama and the excitement of being in a different environment I didn’t always go to bed at a reasonable hour. Which of course made the next day much harder because I was tired. If I managed my impulsivity and focused a little harder on getting to bed at a good time I could’ve been better prepared for the next day. 
Something else I could’ve worked on was my time management in general.
For this trip we had our main project we were working on, (see that post here) part of that was our daily notes. Which were basically a journal for our trip and was meant to help track our progress. Usually we would complete our daily notes at the end of the day, but sometimes I forgot to fill out the entry of the day and sometimes I fell behind. If I focused on doing each entry everyday I think I would’ve had better daily notes. Notes that were clearer and  a little less rushed.  
During our trip along with our main project we completed a few smaller tasks.
For example our ghost town video in maker. For this project we created our own horror short film and filmed it at the three valley gap ghost town. For this project we were working in groups. My group was Noah, Ciara, Kaden and Grace. This project was really fun and our group worked really well together, the only challenge for us was the amount of time we had to film our movie. Once we arrived there though we worked hard and used our time really well and got all the shots we needed to make our short film.

Another video we made on this trip was at the Royal tyrell and this video didn’t work our quite as well as the other one. This video was a surprise and definitely a challenge. We had forty five minutes to make a video about something cool we had seen that day. I kind of struggled with this task because of the time constraint. I think my nerves really got to me and I struggled with managing my time and staying on task. Instead of getting everything done I worried a little too much. I’m not completely embarrassed of my work but I know if I used my time more wisely I would’ve gotten a better video. 
From my experience during this field school I’ve learned that small habits and procrastination can really change and alter your projects and life in general, but that doesn’t mean there these bad things you need to eradicate from your life. I think I just need to know when being alert and an efficient worker is important and when its not. 

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