Kira’s blog





In class we are learning about how to better lean about photos, we learnt that not only are there some cool angles to take photos, but really cool editing techniques that take your picture to a new level! Before I start if you’d like here is a link to the book we used to learn more about photography! Book

To start off we took photos of our selves from different angles and lights, what most people would call selfies, instead we learnt in photography language its called self portraits! Here are a few of mine:

By the way, see that photo of me sitting on a wall? See the light hanging from the ceiling? I got a bit creative with this one and sat on an angle in my hall over top of my iPad and stairs! This first task was like a warm up for us so we learned what its like when you take a picture in the sun or in the dark. We then took photos of a subject I choose my brother, suprisingly he didn’t argue with me about it! Here are the photos:

This was pretty much like the last task we did except we photographed someone else. The next thing we did was pretty fun since it was something I had never known about! We had to apply a black and white filter to make a silhouette of someone.

Although I couldn’t get it to look exactly like how it was supposed to look like it was still cool to learn a new way to photograph things! Lastly but not least THE PROJECT!! This was by far my favourite part of what we did because who doesn’t like re-enacting their baby photos! Yes I said it, this isn’t just a take a photo project, this is what you see in those worlds funniest videos! I shook hands with my soul twin, myself!

Be amazed:









I’m ready for dinner in this photo!!! I’m pretty sure this was everyone’s favourite part because seeing yourself when you were younger is funny!

This project taught me that there’s more to taking a photo than just clicking a button. That you can really transform a photo in lighting and you really learn how to create creative photos, while having fun! I wouldn’t say I’m a pro yet but I definitely have some creative techniques!! OFF AND OUT byeeeeee!!!!


Kira • November 18, 2018

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  1. emilys June 15, 2019 - 7:00 pm Reply

    Your baby photo was sooo cute! And your first photo on your post looks so cool!

    • Kira June 15, 2019 - 10:24 pm Reply

      Thank you!!!

  2. Trisha May 25, 2020 - 4:07 pm Reply

    Your brother’s picture (the silhouette) was amazing…Great work!

    • Kira May 25, 2020 - 6:17 pm Reply

      Thanks Trisha! He’s very honoured to be “famous” on my blog 😂!

      • Trisha May 26, 2020 - 8:09 am Reply

        😂😂He’s a lucky soul!! Oh, and check out my blog if you get time .. I published a lot of new stuff!!

        • Kira May 26, 2020 - 4:12 pm Reply

          Hey Trisha! I’d love to, I’m not really sure how though 😂😬! Are you able to tell me the link? I’ll try to figure out what I’m doing wrong in the meantime!

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