
Oregon 2016

On November 19th, our class went on a field study trip to Oregon. The first place we visited was Astoria. We stayed there for 2 nights, and we slept in cabins. I shared the cabin with Alivia, Melanie, Melika, and Tamara. The cabins were fairly small, and had 2 rooms. One room had 2 bunk…

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Mark Antony

For about a week, my class has been learning about Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’. We started a project, where we were split into groups. In my group, there was Jessie, Marshall, and Austin. We had to research about characters in they pltay, and my group chose Mark Antony. To present the information we found, we needed…

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Mindset is the key to success

For the past couple of weeks, we have been learning about having a growth mindset. We have learned the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. One of the activities that we did was a mindset chart. We had to list 3 things the we had a fixed mindset in and 3 things…

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Winter Exhibition 2016

On December 14th, my class hosted a winter exhibition. The first thing that we had to do is find out what our theme is. Our theme was ‘the environment’. The next thing we did was to brainstorm ideas for categories on the environment. After that, we got assigned a category, and my category was global…

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What is Google’s year in review and why should you care

Google’s year in review is all of the google trends. Google has made a video about all of trends and all the things that people have searched up on Google. You should care because this video sums up most of 2016. One thing I didn’t know about was that there was the spaceX rocket ship. In…

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