
Change and Tension

If you haven’t read my previous blog post, then go ahead and click here!
Since we came back from spring break, we have been doing a new unit in social studies. This unit is about how people create change and tension. We learned a lot about the Middle Ages and renaissance, and how advancements have created change and tension. We learned about many people who have made advancements in history, including Joan of arc, Galileo, and many more. After a few weeks of learning about history, we started a project called ‘The Notebook’.

Before we started making our notebook, we were put into categories and different groups. I was put in the science and medicine category, and in my group was Kailey, Marshall, and Logan. For our notebook, we each wrote about science and medicine in the time era we were given. Marshall was doing the Middle Ages, Kailey was doing the renaissance, Logan was doing the industrial revolution, and I was doing modern day. We talked about advancements in medicine. Our driving question was, how have epidemics fuelled medical advancements. If you would like to see our notebook, it is below.

After we finished our notebook project, we started another project called ‘The Sales Pitch’. In this project, we needed to make an invention. The purpose of this project is to pretend that we are making an invention for a very rich company. They are going to put in millions and millions of dollars into making our invention happen. We need to make a sales pitch to pitch our invention to them, and if they say yes, then our invention will happen. My group decided to make an automated doctor (robot). This robot will be executing surgery on patients. The reason we decided to make this robot is because humans hold the potential to make mistakes during surgery. With our robot doctor, no mistakes are bound to happen. We made presentation and a script to go along with our sales pitch. Here it is.

This unit taught me a lot about the history in science, and I’m glad that we had the opportunity to do these projects.


laurenf • June 3, 2017

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