

If you guys want to know what and slc is, then click here!

Today I have another SLC. This time, it is called a TPOL, with stand for Transitional Presentation of Learning. This presentation is to tell our teachers that we are ready to transition into grade 9. In my TPOL, I am going to be talking about 4 main topics. They are, what piece of work am I the most proud of, what piece of work did I learn the most from, what piece of work did I enjoy the most, and what is something that I can still improve upon. I will also be talking about my goal for grade 9.

This first topic I will be talking about is the piece of work I am most proud of. I am most proud of my blog. I have really made it my own, and personalized it to the way I want it to. I have really improved it it many ways, and I am very proud to call it mine. I have learned to add many pictures and links, and just little things to make it more interesting. I am also proud that my blog is almost always up to date. I think that my blog really reflects on my learning as a student, and it really showed how I have improved.

The second topic that I will be talking about is a piece of work that I learned the most from. I can easily say that I learned a lot from my blue sky project. I learned many new skills and techniques, and improved a lot of skills to. My favourite part of the project was learning how to program and how to use electronics. I also improved my presenting skills, and have become much more confident with my work.

The next topic I will be talking about is the piece of work that I enjoyed the most. The project I enjoyed the most was my light project for science. It was so much fun and challenging, but I enjoyed it so much. I got to learn a lot about film photography and Polaroid cameras. My partner, Jessie and I, were able to use the schools dark room to develop photos. It was a long process to develop the photos, but it made the photos more special and have more meaning, because it took time and effort to create them. It was a really great experience.

The fourth topic I will be talking about is something I could improve for next year. I have been working very hard in my writing skills, yet they are still lacking. Writing has never really been my strong suit, but that is why I am changing. I want to make my S.A’s more creative and personal, and i am going to do that by expanding my vocabulary. I am going to read more books, and have someone critique my writing so it can always be the best. I have been working very hard to make my writing better, but there is always room for improvement.

The final topic it will be talking about is my goal for grade 9. My goal is to put more dedication to my school work and my homework. One thing that I am doing to achieve this goal is less dance. I am going to be doing much less dance after school to spend more time on homework. This will mean that I will be handing in better quality work, and it will never be late. I will always be handing the best version of my work, even when it is just a draft.

My TPOL Presentation will be very nerve wrecking, so wins me luck😀

laurenf • June 20, 2017

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