This Week I Learned pt. 3

For my third This Week I Learned post, I’m doing something a little different. This week we focused a lot on Macbeth and less on the 1950s, so I’m using this to talk about an important theme in Macbeth and it’s relation to today. This theme is that power that ambition holds over an individual is what leads to change.

In the example of Macbeth, ambition plays a key role to the story. Macbeth is very ambitious, and will work hard until he can reach a goal. In this context, the goal is to safely be and stay king. This will cause him to spiral and continue his killing spree indefinitely. This ambition creates a paranoia that will hang over him as long as his actions are without consequence. This ambition drives him even though the final goal is somewhat unreachable.

In our society today, this ambition can be seen through politics. As an example, in the United States, the desire to become president is seen as a daring ambition that few can reach. However, when an individual desires it enough, they will devote their whole life to their campaign and politics. They present countless speeches and debates in order to gain power. This ambition is driving the individual to work to where they want to be. In comparison to Macbeth, this is a position that’s holdable, but they will still need to work just as hard if not harder once they are in office.

Our society has both ambitious people and already satisfied people. The difference between these two is the drive of an individual. When one must work to reach their goals, the end result means more and is more meaningful that when someone is handed everything. I designed a flowchart to represent that!

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