The perks of Filming an English Class Video


As I moved from the beginning of September to mid October I have been working up to one thing in humanities. This is our book trailer. For our trailer, everyone in PLP 10 was put into book groups. I was with Emily and Jessie. Our book was The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming of age story about a boy named Charlie who moves into a new school, it’s all about his trials and tribulations and how he overcomes his unique set of challenges. After reading the book, we made essentially what the trailer would be if the book was a movie. 

My group with our book
The MOVIE cover of the book I read

Right after we finished the book we had to start prepping for our trailer. To start doing this we made pages documents with prop lists, and we made a collaborative google doc sharing ideas of shots and scenes to include in the trailer. We also discussed who would act in the trailer. I would end up being the main character in the film as you’ll soon see. 

A small portion of our groups google doc

The next step was to create some kind of visual to start actualizing what we were creating. For this step in the process me and my group made a storyboard. With a storyboard you can actually start seeing some of the shots that you need to get. After the storyboard was complete we had to make a finalized script. I wasn’t a big part in this section of our video creation but it went well and soon we were ready to film our video. 

A section of my storyboard

The shooting took us about a week and a half of short sessions all the time. Sometimes it would be 1 shot and take 15 minutes or other times we would meet after school and film for a couple hours. The filming was probably what we did best overall. Looking back we got tons of B-roll, tons of clips, and tons of angles which made the editing process a lot easier. 

A bunch of clips halfway through editing

Finally, the post production. Post production includes editing, sound, visual effects and anything else done after the filming. I did a lot of the editing along with Emily and I think we worked really well together. She did a lot of the ending and title cards while I put the clips in order and cut them to the right length. After that our video was finished and ready to show to the world. 


In conclusion, this project was similar to other projects we did. In the way that it’s a create a video based off of a book or around a book project. In many was it was different though. One of the main differences that I thought added a lot of depth, was that we were given more time to actually film our video. With this time we ended up with a much more solid final product compared to other projects in the past. One thing I think would’ve really impacted the project in a positive way though, would be to allow student to choose a book. We did have a few options but I feel you could get more personalized with a book you really identify with. One thing I would have done differently for my group next time is to do a more encompassing storyboard. With a storyboard you really get the opportunity to see a shot without having to get out there and actually shoot it which I think is a big advantage to utilize. 

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