Hello and welcome back to another Blog post!

In the past month or so my and my partner have been working together to not only make a 3D printed model of a Hog Rider Hammer from Clash of Clans in a free 3D designing website called Tinkercad, but also present it.

When it comes to building, renovating, or creating, you will always have to design something, even if its just planning it in your head.

We started off by working in groups of 4 to to replace or upgrade certain places in the class bu measuring the surface areas. This activity gave us a general idea about what we were going to be working with.

We began our process by attempting to design an Air Jordan 1 shoe. After a couple days of struggling, we decided it was best to try to move onto a different object. Using Tinkercad, we designed a hammer that looked incredibly similar (in my opinion) to the actual Hog Rider hammer.

As usual, our scimatics teacher gave us a rubric and then feedback on how we did on each competency at the end of the project.

1. Applying and Innovating

This competency was about contributing to the group           project,completing self work, and working to answer the driving question.                                                                                                My partner and I worked well together and used our class time efficiently so that we could finish on time and be ready to present.

2.  Reasoning and Analyzing

This competency was really about modelling math in contextualized experiences.                                                                   Here we extended because in our presentation we designed our very own object, designed it for maximum volume, had about 5 basic shapes in it, and we both worked together to achieve the final product.

3. Communicating and Representing.

In this competency, we had to explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions. (So basically make a good presentation)                                                                                                      We also extended here and after finishing I was not surprised about our grade because it reached all the requirements like, surface area and volume are measured, calculate, and compared for efficiency. We showed our calculations that were put into a neat and tidy graph to keep calculations and measurements from being lost or mixed up. We also weren’t taught how to measure a hemisphere and we managed to do that so that is something that we also extended with.

Apart from all the long math, I really liked this project because I learned how to measure surface area and volume as well as designed my very own 3D printed model.👌

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