It’s January 23, 2018 which means most people have already forgotten about the new year, new me, goals they had set at the beginning of this year. So many things have happened in 2017 but now it’s time to focus on 2018. It’s SLC time again which if you don’t know what it means go check out my post on it. Anyways, right now it’s time for our Mpols (Mid-year Presentations of Learning). I’ve already done something like this last year. It was called a Tpol. This is exactly like the Tpol’s but it’s called a Mpol. I will be presenting a piece of work that I learned the most from, a skill that I used, some opportunities on improvement, and in the end I will tell you my Mpol question.

The piece of work that I learned the most from is Metaphor Machines. During working on the metaphor machines I learned a lot because it involved Humanities and Science. The skills I learned for that project might actually come handy one day and metaphors are really fun. It has been by far my favourite project because of the hands on building we got to do. I loved making the circuits and painting the machine. I’m happy to say that the project came together nicely.

One skill that I picked up on this year has been editing. During the trip to Calgary I have learned how to editing very well. I noticed this because of this one day when we were in a dinosaur museum. The teachers gave us one hour to pick a dinosaur and make a one minute video about it. I was one of the few people who finished in the hour. I love this new skill I have picked up on because of PLP and hope I improve it as I grow.

Some opportunities on improvement that I need to take in is keeping updated with my iTunes U. Something I need to work on is checking iTunes U more often. In iTunes U we have all the previous lessons and the things we did in class. This amazing app can help me be so much more organized and I need to start using it more often. For example the other day we were assigned homework about a story. I did all the work but because I didn’t check my iTunes U I didn’t know we were supposed to space it differently than I usually do.

To finish my post we were asked to come up with a question that our teachers or parents could answer. My Mpol question is “ how can I use iTunes U to improve the quality of my work?” I was thinking about this question and I think that I can use iTunes U to improve the quality of my work by a lot.

Thank you for reading my post on this year’s SLC aka Mpol. Hopefully I can come back for the next SLC and say that I improved as a student.