My mPOL Post

So far this year I think I had a bit trouble with one project. The project I struggled with was the student blogging challenge. I really struggled with it for the first 4 or 5 weeks because I didn’t really know how to make my blog look good. Also I was very confused with WordPress. I was confused on how to add categories and add different things to the blog. Then to add on top of those struggles I was doing the challenges wrong making it take a lot longer to do each challenge. I was making a new post for each task for the week, for example in week one we had to do 3 tasks I would have three separate posts for that week. In the fourth week I asked Ms. Maxwell about the challenge and she told me that I am supposed to put all the tasks for that week in one post. After that I started doing better in the challenge, then once I got it I actually started kinda liking the Challenge. I even got comments from Mrs. Bennett. She said she showed one of my posts to her class and they figured out the puzzle in my post.

The most interesting I learned about this year was the different religions. I found it interesting how every religion had its own rituals and beliefs. Also that some religions like Hinduism have many gods that they worship. When we went on a field study going to the different places of worship.                                                                                                                                                                              We went to the Sikh Temple and we got lunch for free. I found this project very interesting because I had never really learned about the different major world religions. On the opposite side of that, the project I thought was most boring is our current project in scimatics.             This project is about atoms and molecules combined with coding. I find it boring because I don’t really connect or find atoms interesting. Also coding is not my thing. I find it boring. I’m not terrible at coding but I’m not great. Part of the reason I think coding is boring might because I’m not good at it. The difference between the two projects is the way we learned about the subjects. In Chemistry Coding we read a lot of text books which I find not that  interesting  to read. In the World Religion project we did a lot of guided notes and we had to make videos on explain everything. I like the guided notes better than textbooks because I feel like I’m more involved and I don’t have to read and answer questions. In the religion we have guided noted then we would make a video or something with the knowledge that we gained from the guided notes.

So far this year I have done a lot of work. I know if I could go back in time I would change some things about my work. I have always been told that I need to include more detail and not rush my work. Both of these are to do with my writing. Sometimes I will write about something and not include enough detail so your don’t really know what I’m writing about. My other big problem is not spell checking or rushing my work. So far this year I am not spell checking as much as I should. If I fixed these problems my work would be a better quality and would get me better grades. Going forward I’m going to try my best to fix my problems with spell checking and adding more detail into my writing. I think if I can fix these problems for the rest of the year I will see some improvement in my grades.

finally for the last part of this post I’m going to make some goals for myself for the rest of the year. My first goal is to not get distracted in class any more. I think I’ve improved on this a bit since the end of winter break. Although I think I can still improve on this, because I still get distracted just not as much as I used to. Another I have set for myself for the remainder of the year is that I wan to finish the year with a A in PGP. I think this goal is attainable because if I don’t get distracted by the end of the year it will definitely help reach this goal. Another goal I have for myself is to be able to mange my time better. I always put of homework saying I will do it later, but I know if I don’t want to do it late I won’t do it. Then I end up doing it last minute or rushing the work to get it done so I can do other stuff. Those are my three goals that I want to complete by the end of the year.