Hi, welcome back to another one of my blog posts. This post is going to be about my most recent Scimatics projects. In this project we learned about atoms and chemistry as well as coding on a application called scratch. The end result of our project I made a game that includes atoms. My atom in my game was the Rutherford model. Meaning that Rutherford made that model of the atom. Our driving question for this project was how is the motion of atoms and molecules related to the temperature?

This is my Mind Map about what I know about chemistry and atoms.

One of the Curricular Competencies we were accessed on was the questioning and predicting competency. In this project I demonstrated this when I was curious about scratch and how I could code my atom so it speeds up as the game goes on. I also demonstrated this skill when we did a gemstone challenge. In this challenge we had to find what the name of the gemstone we were measuring was called. By doing that we had to predict the results of the challenge and we had to find the stones density so we could compare it to other ones on the internet.

The second competency I was being accessed on was the evaluating competency. I used this competency a lot during this project. I had to evaluate my game all the time to make sure it was up to standards and to make sure it worked. I also demonstrated the competency during the mystery gemstone challenge where I had to evaluate the results and measurements to finds the correct gemstone. I think I use this competency a lot in all of my PLP subjects. In every project we have to evaluate our work or something at least once. So this competency I think is a important one.

the last competency I was evaluated on was the communication competency. In this competency you have to communicate your ideas to solve a problem or use scientific language. Reading the text book during this project taught me some scientific language that I used to communicate to my group members during this project in various milestones. I also had to use digital technology to make my project work. I needed to make a fully interactive game on my iPad. In my coding I had to communicate to the game using coding to make it do what I want it to do. Sometimes it was frustrations when I couldn’t get something to work in my game. I figured out I just had to modify my coding a bit then it worked perfectly.

My fully functional game is a pong game. You have a paddle and a atom bounces around and you are trying to not let the atom hit the ground. As the game goes on the temperature increases causing the atom to speed up making it faster. Once the temperature reaches a certain point the screen blows up and says you win. Thats it for my blog post about my Scimatics Project. Make sure to read my other blogs here.