Hello everybody… again! It is indeed a double blog post which means I may or may not have been procrastinating. Nah just kidding.

Anyways, PLP has been entered in a international blog challenge. It turns out that there’s almost 2000 students entered from around the world with blogs. Each week, there is a different challenge of sorts in which we add to our blog the task we are given. We are also allowed to comment on other people’s blog from across the world. That’s pretty cool.

One downside to all of this is that Ms. Willemse entered us 3 weeks late into the competition and so we have to do all 3 weeks over a weekend to catch up. Week one was an about me post which luckily I had done about two years ago when I set up my blog.


Here we are at week two. The task for this week was a two parter. We had to make a poster explaining our “commenting rules” for our blog and also make 3 “quality” comments on other people’s blogs from around the world. Quality comments should be written like a letter with no grammar mistakes and questions or compliments.

Without further ado, here’s my commenting rules!

My first comment was on other people’s blog was on 11 year old Sparrow’s post

In this comment, I detailed how Sparrow really articulated on how he likes commenting on other people’s post.

This comment above was on 11 year old Carson’s blog post. On his post, he really explained how he liked learning new things on other people’s blog post. He also liked how he shared interests with other people blog.

I really liked 12 year old Jason’s post. He basically said comments like “great post” were useless and annoying. He then gave the readers an example on how to make a quality comment.

Well, that pretty much wraps up week 2!

Stay tuned for week 3!