My Medium is the Message Reflection

This is my Medium is the Message reflection.

I really liked making the drafts, because I found it pretty fun to use Canva. Here is the steps/milestones I did to complete this project.

Launch: for this project phase we watched the Apple ad “Welcome Home” and wrote down our thoughts on it, like who we thought the target audience was. As part of the project, I need to understand how ads convince you to buy the product. Another aspect of the project is that based on the information I have learned, I made my own ad for Deep Cove Music.  I needed to know how to analyze ads to figure out the message that they are sending, and how to create my own ad. This is important because I need to make an ad for D.C.M. that will convince potential customers to sign up for lessons with them, or buy their products.  I will be sharing my work with the whole class, my teachers, and my parents.

Building knowledge: for this project phase we had to choose a piece of media from a while ago, for example I chose mine from the 1970’s. Then we had to answer the five key questions for that ad, and write them down.  The resources I needed to use were the information I had learned from Milestone 1. For the ads I saw on YouTube, and in my magazines, I know I can trust that they are real ads, but the ones I found on google, I cannot trust if they are real or not.  My role in the process is to analyze the ad that I chose and show the strategies that I found from analyzing it. I needed to choose the strategies that I learned that are relevant to the business that I was trying to advertise, and use them to make a draft of my advertisement.

Develop and Critique: for this phase we made our first drafts and everyone put their drafts on display, and then we would walk around and give critique for their drafts.  I needed to know what type of ad I was trying to make for the business, and  what product I was advertising. I collected the information that I needed via the interview that was conducted in person. Using the information that I collected, I made my first draft which was ready for the critique phase. The feedback I got was very useful, which was that I should add a background picture instead of having a plain black background because it attracted more attention. I felt that I was on the right track because I only got one constructive feedback. Here are my ad drafts

  • Draft 1

Present: for this phase, we showed our drafts to our groups, and used them to make three drafts that we all worked on together using what we learned. I explained to my group that I used a plain ad format with bold font, to keep the message very straightforward.  This will allow people who see the ad for a short amount of time to still be able to get the message.  For the next project, I would spend more time on the building knowledge phase because when I was making my draft I almost did not have enough understanding about making good ads.

I would say that I really liked making the drafts for Deep Cove Music, and I look forward to future projects.

Always remember to eat cheese and stay cheesy

Cheese 🧀  CheeseBoi 👦 Cheesecake 🍰 Cheeseman 🫕

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