Mazer Tag


For the past while my class has been working on a project called Mazer Tag. I know you have no idea what This is so I will give you quick explanation on what this project was all about. “Mazer” is a laser maze which consists of one laser and multiple mirrors that the laser will reflect off of.

This project was part of both math and science due to certain qualities of the process. Our main focus of this project was using triangles to demonstrate the Pythagorean theorem. We learned that the formula for the theorem is a² + b² = c². We also learned that it only works on right triangles with are triangle with a 90 degree angle.

Competencies Being Assessed:

Evaluating: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence:

The competency was all about creating a design for the final product using the knowledge that we had gained so far. For this competency we were asked to complete a design for our laser display in an app called Notability. My group completed a very well thought out explanation for our laser display on the imperial Star Destroyer. Below I have added a copy of the design.

Applying and innovating:  Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches:

This competency was all about creating our final product and making sure that it was functional. The goal of the project was to use an object from Star Wars to help display a laser maze in the shape of a right triangle while using the Pythagorean theorem. After many weeks of working to perfect our project Kate, Nya and I ended up curating a very functional and aesthetically pleasing project. Below I have added a few pictures to show our progress.

Overall I have learned a lot about the Pythagorean theorem and how it works as well as how lasers work with mirrors and how light is preserved and created. Make sure to comment any thoughts or questions about this post.

Thank you for reading!

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