Not so long ago in a room right across the hall…

The PLP 8th grade cohort was taken by surprise when the empire of teachers announced that in a month, on December the 19th, that the students needed to make a Star Wars blue ski project. They told the student that a blue ski project is, in a simple version, the students needed to find a how might we question, which could be a sense of wonder at a process, and awareness of a problem or a sense of empathy towards a group. The students worked, milestone by milestone, which is how the PLP program does their projects. Their is always a driving question with a project, and we do Mini projects within the big idea. We do it in milestones and stepping stones. All the milestones lead to a big finish and review. Now, the night of the exhibition, the students feel a sense of doom and wonder if they will get the grade they deserve for their hard work, or if it will all be for not.