DNA is Okay

“My eyes are my favourite part of me. I love the colour of them and that’s that”

The above statement is true. My sister and I both love our eye colours. We both save blue eyes that have been passed down from my grandma on my dads side.

How? Well, DNA I guess.

This past science unit we have been learning about DNA. How it works, and what makes it so important.


DNA is what makes us who we are. Literally. We are all partitions of our parents DNA, and in extension, the DNA of generations before. 

In this unit we were looking at DNA concerning the twin line. How are twins made? Are identical twins identical right down to the last string of DNA? Why would it be different if they were fraternal? Can cousins be twins?

The last question is what we used to start out unit. We looked at this family-

-and thought, could twins be cousins if their parents are both identical twins?

If a twin meets a twin and they get married, and their siblings also get married, then they all have kids, will these kids be identical?

There’s a chance. There’s always a chance. 

If you look at it, these twins can all end up passing the same DNA into their future children and then BOOM some nice identical twins!

We go into details in the video at the beginning of this post about how twins are made and how people can track DNA. It’s really interesting! DNA is such an large area to look at. We looked specifically at twins, but there is so many other things as well.

I worked on my project with Kailey. I drew the animations and Kailey edited it all together. 

Thanks for reading! 

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