Why are old things considered creepy? 

Hello everyone and welcome back to my ‘Believe it or Not’ series I’ve been doing for my Geek out project. In this blog I will be talking about why old things are considered creepy by most people and look at some creepy photos at the end.


First lets start of with what creepy is. How do you define creepy? In the dictionary the informal adjective means causing a unpleasant feeling of fear or unease. For example “the creepy feelings one often gets in a strange house’. The words frighting, scaring, terrifying, hair-raising, and spine chilling all mean the unease feeling one gets.



But why do so many people get these feelings around older items?

u/Ryan-R6 on Reddit said this:

Laura Eden on Quora said this:


What both people are saying is that most people get creeped out by old things because they associate those things towards death. Then death is associated with ghosts and the paranormal. Old things passed on after death some people fear because they have the knowledge that that item once belonged to someone who has now passed.


So old personal items are creepy because people think they are tied to death and spirits, but do photos have the same effect? Here is the before and after of photos I have edited to look old.

                                (Taken in Newfoundland in St. Anthony a year ago)


                                     (Taken in Victoria this summer)


                                  (Taken in the forest by Seycove a couple months ago)


                              (Taken on Christmas this year in my house)


(Taken in the forest near Seycove a couple months ago)



Out of all these photos I’ve taken and then edited to look old older which photo is creepier, the one before I edited it? Or the one after I edited it? I find the ones that look older creepier, but lets ask some other people to see if they agree.

Most of the people I asked said the edited one looks creepier. So not only do most people find old items creepy but they find old photos creepy.



In conclusion most people find old things creepy because they know that those things are from the past and once belonged to someone who has now passed. Some people believe that all dead things come back as spirits and those spirits might attach to their belongings which eventually get passed on to other people. They don’t want the spirit that might be attached to the object to get involved with their life. So this fear around older things because of the fact it could possibly be followed by a ghost also happens when we look at photos. The things or people in the photo was from a very long time ago and we attach our thoughts about it being tied to ghosts so the old photos also creep us out.


Just before we get to the end of this blog post, I found a very creepy interesting website called ‘43 Reasons Why The Past Is Creepy’. I’ll show you some of my favourite photos from the site but you can press HERE to check out the rest.



Thank you for reading my blog post on yet another ‘Believe it or Not’ series. Hopefully you found this post quite interesting, I know I did. It was very fun diving into the creepy history of the world today. Comment if you find old things creepy, good bye for now.