Maker Project (2) Hergzog

Hello, everyone this blog post will be about a project I have been learning about for the past few weeks. The concept for this project was to take a photo that tells a story and that shows a creative way to communicate. Here is some media about it!

The first thing we learned is composing composition.

The thing I learned with composing composition I learned that angles can make things 10 times better and that you don’t want a person to be standing in the middle of a photo unless its a picture like the one of my friend Tom down the lane in the 2 picture.

The next assignment was adjusting angles. This assignment was about a evolution of yourself with photos here is mine.

I learned that angles can make a big difference in your photos and that angles can tell story’s.

For our next task we did a project what is called manufacturing mood. The task was to take a photo that represents the mood but, in class before we could go take our shots my teacher Mrs. Willemse gave us a mood and I got content here are the results.

I learned that it is easy to express emotions in your photos.

The next task was to make a collage of photos and make your name out of objects in the real world I chose my nickname by the way I also put the photo collage as a post so you can just check it out now press the red link 👉 Collage

Here they are anyways

I learned that lots of photos can represent who you are and I learned how to collage 😉.

last but not least we ended off with a animate GIF here it is

Thanks for listening Bye!



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