(In David Attenborough voice) The Vexillasaur is one of natures great mysteries, secluding itself in the great vexillashroom forests of New Brunswick. It survives on minishrooms found atop the verdant Limegrass. The Vexillasaur has no natural predators, and until human contact, was believed to be a myth by the three (3) inhabitants of New Brunswick. The ratio between Humans and Vexillasaur in New Brunswick is believed to be approximately 1:10,000. Also, New Brunswick does not exist as a functioning society, instead, the three (3) people living there are the last remnants of a prison colony, who were the last survivors of “The Exodus”, which caused the Vexillavirus to spread to the local shroom and dinosaur population.

Anyways, where was I? Right, Science 9, electricity.

This project was a fun one, in fact, I think it was the most enjoyable project in science 9, but what did we do?

We started by looking at circuits, circuit diagrams, and assembling circuits with resistors and whatnot. After that, we began to do art, ON PAPER ( Shocking, I know). That day, however, was the day that my eyes died on me. I was still able to paint, but with my eyes feeling like TV static, I wasn’t painting anything like the Mona Lisa. Not even close. My box ended up being themed around flags, with four flags for you to find, including New Brunswick. 

The next challenge came making the game itself, we had to cut holes in our boxes with drawings on them, and then somehow wrap tinfoil around the edges of the holes we’d cut. Next we attached batteries, lights, and tweezers to make circuits. However, the project had to end a day early because we had a substitute teacher on the penultimate day, thus meaning I didn’t get to make the pieces for my game…

I think that I was able to show my skills by showing my ✨artistic talent✨ and my fast learning skills to learn how to make simple and complex circuits to achieve my learning goals.

In conclusion, this project was useful for potentially learning a useful life skill, and also letting me know that, in fact, I will not be an electrician.

Thank you for reading.