Destination Imagination 2017

As you may remember from last year, Destionation Imagination is my favourite thing in the world. Destination imagination or D.I. is a competition where you make a project and present in front of appraisers. If you would like to learn more about it check on the Destination Imagination  website. So this year my project was the Improvational project. I picked improv because it was away for me to use my creativity without having to stress about remembering lines. I love acting and I was really excited to perform.

The improv challenge was very cool. The challenge was to do three improv skits. Each skit had the same Prompt and a different stock character and genre. We didn’t find out what the Prompt, stock character, and genre were until we started performing. We also had a box of props. The box had to be 13 by 13 inches and we could fill it with whatever we wanted. The hard part was that we had only 3 minutes to prepare and present each skit. Another part of the challenge was to have two team choice elements. A team choice element is something a team makes or does that uses the team’s skills and interests. For example one of my team’s choice elements was for one of the members to learn and play the flute in one of our skits. My group all really like music so that is why we picked this for our choice element. 

We spent many months preparing for this. It was a lot harder to prepare for than last year because there wasn’t a lot we could do to prepare other than practice. We practiced a ton. We did lots of really fun improv games and practiced like we were actually performing for real. My group worked really well together. 

When the day to perform came we were all very excited. We arrived at the school where it was being held and headed to the gym for the opening ceremony. After that we waited to perform. When it was finally time to perform I got kinda nervous. We headed to the presentation room and got ready to go. Our prompt was ‘the stock character bought an old pocket watch and the neighbors planted the trees upside down’. When I first heard it I almost started to panic. It was a pretty weird prompt but my group had practiced a lot and we were able to make 3 skits based on it. The first character and genre was a villain and fairytale. Sadly we spent too much time preparing so we didn’t get to finish the first skit. The second character and genre was doctor and horror. This skit was a lot better than the first one. We timed it pretty nicely and the story was a lot better. For the final skit the character was an auctioneer and the genre was parody. We did a parody of auction wars. The last skit was defiantly our best skit because we had a good story and very clearly used the genre and character given to us.

After performing we had to do our instant challenge. The instant challenge is kinda like a mini game. The challenge is either a task, a performance, or a combination of both. An example of a challenge we have done in the past was we had to make the tallest tower we could out of a certain amount a pieces of paper. The instant challenges are probably my favourite part of Destination Imagination. Sadly I can not tell you about the instant challenge I did this year until the end of globals.

Destination imagination was really fun this year and it was a great experience. As much as I dislike preparing for D.I. It feels so good to perform and be proud of what I have done. I recently got the results from D.I. and my team got first. We had a lot of hard competition so I’m really happy with the results. Just kidding. We were the only team competing in improv so we won by default and will be going to provincials. I’m excited to keep working so we can be even better at provincials. 

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