Welcome to my first ever mPOL. Normally, this would not be my first mPOL, but because we did not do them in grade 8, this is my first one. In this mPOL, I will be answering 2 questions. How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year, and how can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?

I will start with the first question. 

How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?

For this I am going to start with the projects that I think demonstrate my learning best for each class(except maker).


Revolutions on Trial. 

You can check out my blog post for this project here.

I chose this project because it has been my favourite humanities project that we have ever done. Because of this, I worked hard in the project, and I am really proud of the outcome. I enjoyed it for 4 reasons.

  1. I was in a group with a lot of my friends.
  2. I was interested in the topic.
  3. The final product was fun to present.
  4. There was little to no homework.

I learned a lot about history in this project, as well as legal proceedings. This project taught me the importance of our government, the necessity of the legal system, revolutions, how to work in a group, and how to present publicly. I think during this project is when I grew most since the beginning of the year.


Causation vs. Correlation

You can check out my blog post for this project here.

I chose this project because I think it shows my perseverance. I did a lot of the work in this project, and we didn’t split the work load evenly enough. I gave myself a lot of the responsibility, and I think that in the future, I shouldn’t try and shoulder as much responsibility.

How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?

3 things that I have completed from my learning plan.

  1. I have improved my collaboration skills.

I think that I can work better in groups than I could at the start of the year. I think that the group projects we have done this year have made me improve my collaboration skills.

  1. I have challenged myself with new topics.

Whether its working in a group or something that I haven’t learned about or spent much time thinking about, I think that I have pushed myself a little further outside my comfort zone.

  1. I have understood more complex science and math concepts.

Between the exponent project and the chemical bonding project, I have definitely learned about and understood more complex science and math concepts.

3 things I have not completed from my learning plan.

  1. I have not balanced my school life and outside of school life.

I think that this ties into not learning to manage my time well. I feel like my a lot of my time outside of school is spent doing school work. Although that is to be expected, I feel like I am not completing as much work in class as I could be and think that has influenced the amount of time I spend on school work outside of school.

  1. I have not learned to manage my time well.

I think that my time management is one of the things that I need to work on the most. I feel like I always have stuff to do, I rarely get stuff done, and I don’t manage to get the things that I need to do off of my mind when I’m not trying to do them.

  1. I have not completed all of my work to the best of my abilities.

I think that I have not done my best work on the two most recent projects(Working With Words and Chemistry Stories). Chemistry Stories has been the most difficult project this year for me. I found the workbooks tedious and boring, and I spent way to much time on the animation for the quality that it turned out to be. 

I will work harder to complete my learning plan. I think that my learning plan is still has good goals for me to work towards in the rest of the year. 

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