Welcome to the final scimatics project of the first half of the year.

This is this is my recap of the chemistry stories project. The driving question for this project is: How do the electron arrangements of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds?

I will answer this question at the bottom of my post. For this project we had to create an animation that explained covalent and ionic bonding.

Here is the final animation

Here is the storyboard for the animation

This is how I created my animation.

I think that if I were to do it again then I would spend more time on my animation in class.

I think that the animation represents my learning appropriately and I am very proud of how it turned out.

The Curricular Competencies for this project are:

Communicating: Formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon

This means that detailed and clear voice overs are synchronized with animation to explain bonding processes using proper scientific language.

I think that I did this the voiceover part well, as well as the proper scientific language part. I did not do so well on the synchronization and animation parts, though I think that I explained covalent and ionic bonding well.

Processing and Analyzing: Construct, analyze and interpret models and/or diagrams.

This means that a carefully animated video uses Bohr models to show electron arrangement of atoms and ions. It accurately portrays the electron exchange in ionic bonding and electron sharing in covalent bonding.

I think I did this competency very well. My animation shows covalent and ionic bonding in complete, creative, and original ways.

Questioning and Predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest

This means that all class time is used efficiently for learning without distractions.

I think that I could have done this better. I was on task most of the time, but I wasn’t always on task, and I think that definitely influenced the quality of my project.

The steps that I took to make this animation were:

Milestone 1:  For this milestone we created a mind map. Here is mine.

Milestone 2:  For this milestone we created a animation going over the instructions for a lab we were going to be doing on the next day. Here is mine.

(We randomly skipped milestone 3)

Milestone 4:  For this milestone we created a storyboard for our animations. Here is mine

Milestone 5:  This milestone is our final animation, which is right here.

Milestone 6:  For this milestone we made the blog post which I am doing right now.

Now for the answer to the driving question ‘How do the electron arrangements of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds?’

The electron arrangements as well as the amount of protons and neutrons determine everything about the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds. 

I learned a lot about chemical bonding this project.

Here is the finished project.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and have a great day.

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