In this unit of humanities, we learned about colonization.
For Keystone 1 we were assigned to one of these people. the indigenous, missionaries, rich people, poor people, or fille du roi. I was assigned as a missionary and had to view colonization from their perspective. In Keystone 1 we focused on the conditions of Canada and why people wanted to come here. For our last investigation of Keystone 1, we took all the information we researched about and put it into a graph.

In Keystone 2 we learned about ethical judgment and what it means, and also about the consequences of colonization. For the last investigation, we had to make a paragraph answering the driving question. “What did the European settlement mean for all involved”. I think that I could’ve expanded more on my paragraph.

For our last Keystone, Keystone 3 we were assigned a group and had to make a script. Each one of us had a different role and had to make our script then put it together in a craft document. I used my phone to read my script and filmed on ar maker with the symbol that I made. We put the video together in iMovie in the end.

Overall I think that I did okay on this unit, but I could’ve done better.


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