
Chemistry Stories

Chemistry Stories

Welcome all, to my blog. This is this is my recap of my latest project Chemistry Stories. The driving question for this project is: How do the electron arrangements of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds? I will answer this question at the bottom of my post.   Project overview This […]

mPOLs 2022

Welcome to my first ever mPOL! This is going to be a bit different from my usual Humanities or Scimatics blog post as this is an mPOL post. mPOL stands for “Midyear Presentation Of Learning” Normally this would be the second mPOL that a PLP student would do, but due to Covid we did not […]

The Wonderfull World of Poetry

The Wonderfull World of Poetry

Hello all! I am back with a new post about poetry. I wouldn’t consider myself a poetry guy, but this project was really interesting and a fun look at different types of poetry. This is this is my recap of the “Worldview in Poetry” project.  The driving question for this project is: “How might I […]

Revolutions on Trial

Revolutions on Trial

We just finished a new project titled “Revolutions On Trail”. This was our last project of this year/term and we presented our work in an exhibition with all the other grades. Every grade had a different set of presentations built around what they’ve learned. The driving question for this project was “How might we as […]

Correlation vs Causation in surveys

Correlation vs Causation in surveys

Hello all, thanks for stopping by to read this new post about our latest math project. We recently finished a math/science project titled Correlation vs Causation. This project (as you may have guessed) is about correlation and Causation, specifically in graphs and surveys. In this project, we focused on learning about surveys, how they work […]

People VS The Environment

People VS The Environment

What is this project? Hello readers! We’ve just finished another project. This one is about people and our relationship with the environment. This project was really fun for a couple of reasons: our final product is writing a letter, which is really cool and secondly, it was broken down using a program called Commonlit, which […]

Fun Math?

Fun Math?

What is this project Hello readers! Last week we finished the product of our latest math project. We presented our math Games to the rest of the class. This project was about exponents in math, a concept that was relatively new to this year. I found was very similar to a project we did last […]

I’m an author now….

I’m an author now….

What is this project. It’s the end of the year! Well, it’s the end of the school year. So for me, it’s a pretty big deal. The most recent project we’ve done in class is about cells, diseases and cellular processes. Our job is to show how theses cells work and how they are parts […]

How do shapes work?

What This Project is I just presented for our latest project called the ultimate design challenge, it was about designing a 3D shape for maximum surface area or volume. Basically we made 3D models of shapes, measured their surface area and volume and compared our measurements. The driving question for this project was “how can […]

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