Getting to Know Me


Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog!! My name is Esther, and I am very excited to share some facts about me! The first thing you should know about me, is that I am Korean. I was born in Korea and lived there for 12 years. I moved to Canada at the age of 13 in the summer.

My Hobbies

I love to draw, and cook. I love experimenting new and unique recipes in my kitchen, and I also like to draw with pencils. I don’t really enjoy coloring my art, because I just think that they look better not colored. I also like to craft things, using paper machete, origami, or yarn. I love arts and craft of all kinds. I can play four instruments; the guitar, the clarinet, the piano, and the recorder. I also enjoy singing and dancing. I love dancing so much, that I even joined a competitive dance team. I do jazz dance, hip hop, lyrical, and ballet. I love listening to music, any chance I get; in the car, when I walk the dogs, in the mall, when I’m studying, when I’m crafting, when I’m drawing, and even when I’m cooking! I love music, and the type of music that I listen to the most is either K-Pop, or just Pop songs.

What do I like?

Something that I like cooking the most, is instant ramen, or anything related to Asian foods. I love love LOVE Asian food. Sushi, rice, Korean BBQ, ramen, udon, pad Thai, pho, and xiao long bao. But my most favorite food would have to be, instant ramen and rice. I love spicy things, and I can handle it well. I also love how swollen my lips get afterwards. I have a lot of things that I love but I couldn’t add most of it to my collage that you will see below:\

Here is a GIF with things that represent me.

On the collage, there are things that I love that I forgot to mention before. I love my friends that support me and love me. My most favorite season is winter because I love skiing, and sledding, and Christmas. But I also love how much snow there is in winter. Do you remember how I mentioned that I love listening to K-Pop before? Well the group of boys on my collage, is my favorite k-pop band to listen to. Also on the collage are to adorable little doggies. Well those two dogs, are mine. The one on the left is a multipoo, and the one on the right is a king cavalier spaniel poodle mix. I love them both to death, and they are the best cuddle partners.

In Conclusion…

Well that was a little about me that I thought you guys should know. I’m so happy to share my learning journey with all of you and I hope to get feedback and critiques to improve. Thank you so much for reading this post, and I hope to see you at my next one! Bye!!🥰