The Story of Riel

“How has the portrayals of Louis Riel changed over time?” That was our driving question for this project. Over the past few weeks in PLP 9, we have been learning about Louis Riel and his impact on Canadian history. To answer our driving question, we looked at many videos, articles, and statues made about Riel, […]

You’re Next…

Dark, Mysterious, Creepy. Those are the emotions that you typically feel when watching a thriller video, and those are the emotions that PLP 9 was trying to make our audience feel when creating our own thriller video. In one of my previous posts, I talked about how PLP 9 was running a remake of a […]

Loon Lake Adventure!

How do the choices we make set our future path? That was the question that the entirety of PLP 9 was trying to answer on our trip to loon lake. During our time there, we learned about 5 main subjects to help us answer this question. Emotional Intelligence, Internal Talk, Clear Communication, Social Awareness, and […]

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