Hi welcome back to my blog! This project we were learning about sci-fi. During this we created cute lil stuffed animals and wrote short stories about them which we then turned into movie trailers. We also read a novel titled Leviathan to teach us about the sci-fi, steampunk genre.
I like to read, and (unlike most people in class) I enjoyed the book we read. I think what I could do better next time for if we read another book is to organize myself better. I was often late in completing chapters and instead of completing my reading roles while I read I would read the chapter and then after words go back and re-read to complete do my reading roles. I could have saved a lot of time if I hadn’t done that.
I enjoy creative writing so I had fun writing my short story but i think i could have done a better job of listening to critics. I liked making the trailer to and it was interesting to learn about how to make a good trailer. I feel like I got a bit pressed for time (which was my fault) that in the need my trailer didn’t turn out great. I think I had a good concept in my head but it was difficult to transpose that into a real trailer.
Thanks for reading, see you next time.