The First Steam Engines

We recognize steam engines today as heritage units but, it wasn’t always this way. The first idea of steam power was thought of in the 1st century CE (Common Era). However steam power didn’t really take off until the Industrial Revolution (1733-1913). In 1802 the first rail-steam engine was built in England, thoughout the early 1800’s various locomotives were built, including the famous Stevenson ‘Rocket’. Now you may be wondering; ‘But how do these things work?’ Well I’ll tell you!






This is a diagram of a American tender engine, as you can see they work similarly to kettles. Tank engines work almost identically, (They just don’t have a tender). As you can see, steam engines are a force to be reckoned with. (I mean do you really want to mess with that thing)

One thought on “The First Steam Engines”

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