Rise of the Frankinstuffies! 🧟‍♂️

When I started this project, I was a bit of a pain about it. (I have severe aichmophobia) However when I convinced Ms. Pitches of letting me make a digital T&F OC, I was ecstatic! In the end I ended up choosing a LSWR 0298 as the base and Stacy as the name. Originally she was painted in Red with Gold Lining, however I decided that the story would take place when she first arrived on Sodor so I went with LSWR royal mint green. Her personality was decided after a discussion at dinner with my mom, who suggested a rather stuck-up personality. When I started writing, I only had the first story in mind, I made up the rest as I went along. The trailer was much of the same. Am I proud of this project? Yup 👍. I learned that teachers can be flexible and if i have a good plan and negotiate with them, they might let me do it my way. I covered all of the expectations. (except for the sewing part)