Investing, stocks, and lots of money talk 💵

Welcome back to blogpost number 2 of the ‘blogpost tsunami’ 🌊

Today wraps up out final grade 10 PGP “project” , this course has been a weird one because we’ve never really had any project things year just two segments; Marketing you and Financing you. And throughout those segments haven’t truly had one end goal in mind, we just had lots of learning on the way and so by the end our only end goal you could say was to see growth.

The “financing me” segment to me defiantly held more valuable information, and it was also quite a large segment. Our financing me unit took 2 months to complete. (According to showbie) but it’s defiantly felt like we’ve been doing this for longer. 

We stared with all things stocks! We learned what a stocks was, about the NYSE, what a market share is, when the appropriate time to sell is and when the appropriate time to buy is. 

CLICK HERE to check out all the definitions 

Then we all had to install this app. “Stock market simulator”

Then it was time to invest, but theres a catch…

At the end of our simulation (probably sometime around the end of June before school ends) we will crown either 1 or 2 winners.

🏆The first winner would be who made the most only off their investments. Once established they would be giving a $25 gift card to wherever they want.

🥇The second winner  would be who made the most money while only investing in ethical/environmentally considerate businesses. Once established they would be given a $10 gift card to wherever they want.

With the prize of the line we began investing “our money” (simulator currency) into our stocks and when we continued to check on it daily, sell or buy new stocks, and watch our stocks be far in the green on day and then next be hundreds of dollars in the red. 

Once a week (every Wednesday) we would make weekly reflections, where we would reflect on; stocks bought and sold, how you feeling with the security of your stocks, how much your asset value is, how much buying power you have an the maturation, etc. 

CLICK HERE to check out my reflections 

To just be straight up, I didn’t win anything. I didn’t make the most ones in total or the most ones while investing ethically… even though I tried 🙁

During our stock reflections we were doing lots. 

First we learned what it means to be “financially literate”. We learned all about the importance of banking, protecting your money, debt, deductions and income (gross and net) 

CLICK HERE to check out all the definitions 

And we did some research into our financial future

CLIK HERE to check out my plans for my financial future 

Once we finished all that, we watched moneyball. The money were baseball and investing clash 

CLICK HERE to check out my ‘Moneyball’ reflection

After the movie we pivoted towards personality? 

We learned about the 12 personalities 

Scoring to the quiz I was a INTP-T

CLICK HERE to learn about how I respectfully disagree with my quiz results 

Then came the spring exhibition 


This years spring exhibition was fun, we tuned our classroom into a office space. We set up plants, a broken microwave, crappy watered-down coffee, stupid inspirational posters and of course the business attire. 

Hope if you cared to show up you gave me a follow on my podcast. 

See you around… next year 

Hannah 🍚🍙🍥🫓🍰🥛 

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