Almost identical?

So do you think that identical twins are truly identical? Well recently in class we have been researching that question. Starting off by looking at DNA which stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is what carries your genes and your characteristics that make up you.

We learned lots of this in a crash course video on DNA:

We also learned and based a lot of our unit on the Teachers Website. It was a very helpful website that taught me a lot about not only DNA but also twins and how you get those traits.

A few of those traits were your hair type, eye color and even whether you have wet or dry ear wax, these traits are also known as mitosis. We also learned about Karyotypes, Pedigrees, Forsenic DNA and Meiosis. This was really interesting and taught me a lot of new things that I  never New but had a great time learning it.


And what better way to show all of this then a podcast. In groups of two we were told to create a podcast explaining if two identical twins got married if there children would be identical, so would the cousins be identical. My partner was Sydney and we decided that we wanted to do a round table type interview between a scientist and a host. Myself being the host and Sydney being the scientist called Jane Goodall.

We layer out the podcast that listeners would send in questions and Jane would answer them. We both had a great time fighting the script as well as recording. All of the music is also made by me and the last voice in the podcast is Robbie. And so without further ado here is our podcast that we made on genes and DNA (listen until the end, there’s a surprise!):

Overall this was a fun project and a really interesting unit. I learnt a lot about just how we are made and how complex we truly are. Plus it will help to know this in the years to come.

So until next time!

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