Archive of ‘Destination Imagination’ category

Another year of Destination Imagination

Last year around this time we were doing DI. This is a competition where you are assigned or choose a challenge that you then have to solve. Though you can’t have any help or use any ideas that anyone else contributed this can be tricky in finding ideas that are interesting and you can use in your presentation. The last time we did this I was in the engineering challenge where you have to create a structure under a certain weight. This year though I was in the fine arts section where we had to create a vanishing act based around a colour.

In my group was MimiSofiaJames and Ryan. We based our story that yellow had been stolen by blue because of Egyptian beliefs and blue wanted to be the most important primary color. In order to do this we were each a color and I was rainbow the investigator looking for him and interegating blue in the process. And as for our vanishing act we got a piece of white paper that we wrote Egyptian hieroglyphics and that we stained with coffee. We then put words saying that yellow was located near the great sphinx on the back of this then shined a light through it and the audience saw this and then it vanished.

And since this is a competion we found out that day that there were only two teams competent in this category and we were one of them. So this added an extra stress. But even though we didn’t win just because the judges didn’t think that it was a vanishing act and a few other details our group still did very good all things considered. And dont worry we get to fix all our mistakes since we are going to the provincial competion in a month!

Starting up Destination Imagination

These last 7 weeks or so in class we have been working on a Destination Imagination a project/competition where you choose a category (or rather in are case assigned) and there are four categories. The categories are Scientific where you have to make a play type thing that showcases a camouflaged organism. Next there is a Fine Arts group where you present a mystery story set on Earth in a time period before 1990. And discover, live on stage, which of three suspect characters is responsible for a mystery. Also there was a technical group where you have to design a vehicle that will transport a team member multiple times along with a story. And then finally my group we had Structural and we had to create a musical instrument that can hold weight and is under 175 grams.


Us as a class with the grade 10’s once we were done

My group which costisted of Alex, Adam, Aiden, Ryan L., Ethan, Robbie and me did pretty good I think. We weren’t able to hold weight at the competition because our instrument didn’t really work but the story was good and got lost of points. That was about Arnold who had a strange instrument and wanted to playing the Deep Cove University marching band at half time. But no one liked him, then suddenly the lead snare breaks his spine and Arnold’s instrument is the closet thing to a snare so he takes over. He does a solo and we all do a football play that we made up and it really is quit good. Even if we didn’t win any awards for it. And we did have many troubles along the way even get to where we were. At first we had no idea what to do or even what it was we were supposed to, but then we just started coming up with ideas, some good others not so much but at least we got somewhere. Then when we got to our tournament and we had a couple of things that threw us off. First we were missing two team members and we new that before but still. Next we thought our instrument was 21 grams and that’s kind of impossible since that is basically a feather. And so when we put it on the scale it said 221 we were over by 41 grams so we frantically thought of ideas of how to get the weight down and so we started just cutting of peices. Now we had no utilities, no knifes nothing so we sent half to team to find some and the rest to try anything that would cut it down, and at one point while we were waiting we started just sawing with keys because we had nothing else. With all of this we were so stressed because we had to present in half an hour but we had to sign in for the prevention 20 minutes before so we had around 10/15 minutes to do all this. Thankfully we found a knife and another team lent us there drill and while we were thinking of just cutting of a bit it actually happened that we cut the whole thing in half. Anyway it all turned out good and we got it done and we have the opportunity to go to provincials but I don’t think that we will.

We were so stressed out

We were so stressed out

Here is us frantically trying to saw and then breaking it in half:

Here is our first dress rehearsal:


So that was our wonderful experience of Destination Imagination Bye For Now!